Blog post done!
That was easy. Don't know why I didn't try this sooner.
But for real. You can spend hours brain storming the perfect blog. The name, the theme, how it'll look, how it'll link to your name....
Because be honest. You could be the best blogger in the world, but no one would read your posts if you didn't have your blogs aesthetic pinned down to perfection.
So once you've spent hours planning, you load up the website and click to create your blog. Only to find that your URL isn't available. Now you can either add numbers or letters onto it to make it work, or you can search for the person who has your perfect URL and feel your inferiority complex come out to play.
Here is someone who had your 'original' and super cool idea, but who had it first. And when comparing it to your currently halted blog, that doesn't even have a name anymore, they did it better.
So now you have to face the fact that you either have to go through the whole process again, give up, or continue with the first idea but with extra numbers or letters.
Word of warning though. If you try and go through the whole process again, you'll go through the WHOLE process. Even the crippling self doubt that you'll never be as good as the person who's inevitable had your idea first.
So eventually you'll reach the 'screw it' stage where, yes there's a blog out there with the exact same name as yours, save for one word or two, but you're still going to use that name because damn it you've been here for hours and if you don't finish soon, you'll probably end up crying and postponing it for another 3 years.
Now don't even get me started on the process of trying to come up with a blog post that'll pave the way for your whole blog future...
Good luck x